Strategy & Creative Direction
Defining their Communication Strategy while crafting their Visual Identity
Bupa Group asked us to help them with their main corporate website We quickly identified a need to define how the Bupa Group (parent company) sits with all its Brands and Services. They also wanted us to bring to life their purpose statement and three business pillars.
Defining Bupa’s Communication Strategy
Bupa wanted us to bring their existing purpose statement to life: “Helping people live longer, happier lives and making a better world”.
I extracted the three core elements of the purpose statement and matched them with the three business pillars they wanted to be known for sustainability / customer experience / digital innovation. I tweaked two of these to widen the breadth of the key pillars to include employee experience and innovations outside of digital. This also makes it easier to develop proof points for.
Helping people live longer > through INNOVATION
Happier lives > through (brand) EXPERIENCE
Making a better world > through SUSTAINABILITY
I then looked at how these elements overlap and how they might be used as the basis for their IA.
Crafting their Visual Identity
As well as defining the communication strategy I left the Creative Direction to help Bupa bring this fresh direction to life.
This is the first website I have done that included “dark mode” and “light mode” versions, which is fast becoming as popular as mobile versions due to the lower impact “dark mode” has on CPUs and so is seen as more “environmentally friendly”. It presents its own design challenges but falls neatly in line with a montone (let the images do the colour) style I favour at the moment. For the pitch I had 2 designers do 2 different designs to present.
I wanted a well-crafted front-end animation for the homepage so I had the video team show how this would work.
“Dark mode” designs
“Light mode” designs